Break ups are new start-ups….

plan my health
2 min readFeb 5, 2021

Break ups are new start-ups. Whenever we hear this, people always refer to the relation of a girl and boy. But it is more than just that.

Have you ever thought each breakup can be a start-up or an end? Break up can happen with anything, stopping few habits or society change with views/culture change/beliefs or change of routine completely? Break up can be with anything, anywhere and anyhow, but it totally depends on how we take or allow it control us.

Always breakups can be new start-ups and come up with an opportunity to start anew venture for people. But if these breakups are from conservative thinking, relations and habits then definitely it is a good start otherwise all breakups will end up in complete failure.

What to keep in mind after a break up in any situation:

H- keep HEALTHY MIND and maintain discipline
E- EXPECT THE BEST and learn from the EXPERIENCE
L- LONG LIFE SPAN to correct the faults and handling of emotions is very necessary
P- POSITIVE ATTITUDE towards the upcoming future and new start

Start-up denotes starting something fresh with new outlook and energy. When we say break up, it surely has an underlying reason which has broken the relationship or the habit.

Well, it’s always to stop the bad habits and virtues in life and start up again. Even after knowing the underlying scar of the broken piece, but the thought of restarting life can be lot better in respect to the previous unethical and undesired values in life. This kind of thinking will surely let you to change across faster and get adapted to the new beginnings.

It is totally depending on the individual outlook towards the situation as to how one perceives the event and takes up the initiative to move ahead with the flow.

Obviously break up doesn’t mean that the thoughts vanish completely from my mind. But starting the new phase can be termed as practical implication of life.

